Lumbee Analysis
Expert Research Demonstrates the Dangers of Lumbee Recognition Legislation and the Need for an OFA Review
UINO commissioned a seasoned expert in genealogical research and tribal recognition to review the claims and historical records being used to support legislative recognition of the Lumbee. Full Report
The results were staggering.
The totality of Lumbee claims lack properly attributed historical documentation and relies on speculative connections rather than verified facts.
Claimed ancestors cannot be identified as Native.
The claim of descent from the Cheraw tribe is inadequately supported, with little documentation.
Historical records do not support the Lumbees’ assertion that they were unknown, hiding out in the swamps of Robeson County for 100 years, and thus avoided removal.
The Lumbee have inconsistently adopted various tribal identities, including "Cherokee Indians of Robeson County" and "Siouan Indians," reflecting an opportunistic approach rather than a deep-rooted historical identity.
These issues are fundamental to determining Lumbee’s eligibility for recognition and cannot be overlooked.
If Congress grants recognition, the Lumbee would be the first and only group to receive federal acknowledgment without being able to identify a specific historic tribe or tribes from which they descend.
Dilutes the power and significance of federal recognition
Opens the floodgates for hundreds of groups to wrongly claim other tribes’ cultures, identities, sacred places, and ancestral remains without any historical evidence.
A complete copy of the report can be downloaded here.
The Urgency of the Lumbee Legislation Threat in Lame Duck Session
There is growing political momentum behind efforts to recognize the Lumbee through Congress. Former President Donald Trump has pledged to sign Lumbee recognition legislation, bypassing the established OFA process, while Vice President Kamala Harris supports advancing the bill. The push gained further traction with Senator J.D. Vance's co-sponsorship on September 25, setting the stage for a robust legislative effort in the upcoming November lame-duck session.
The Dangers of Political Expediency Over Historical Truth
Granting recognition to the Lumbee without a thorough evaluation through the OFA undermines the federal recognition process. The 2024 presidential campaign has brought political pressure to bear on this issue, raising the risk that recognition may be granted based on expediency rather than historical evidence. This approach threatens to erode the integrity of federal acknowledgment, setting a dangerous precedent that jeopardizes the rights and cultural heritage of all legitimate tribes.
Why the OFA Process Is Essential for Lumbee Recognition
The OFA was explicitly established to conduct in-depth, evidence-based reviews of tribal recognition petitions. Its rigorous process is critical for evaluating complex claims and determining legitimate tribal status. The Lumbee’s claims are filled with inconsistencies that must be carefully scrutinized, making the OFA the only appropriate and necessary venue for this review. Congress is simply not equipped to perform the detailed historical and genealogical analysis that the OFA provides.
Our Position: Recognition Should Considered Through the OFA, Not Legislation
We urge Congress to uphold the integrity of the federal recognition process by directing the Lumbee’s petition to the OFA for a comprehensive review. The OFA's thorough procedures are essential to resolve the serious questions about the Lumbee’s claims.
Take Action
Contact Congress: Advocate for recognition through the OFA process, not through legislative shortcuts.
Stay Informed: Subscribe for updates on this issue and related matters.
Spread the Word: Share our research with others, educate them on the need to protect the integrity of tribal recognition, and ensure that political pressures do not overshadow historical truth.
Together, we can defend the value and meaning of federal recognition and ensure that the process honors history, safeguards culture, and protects the sovereignty of all legitimate tribes.
List of Resolutions
Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians- 2022 Winter Convention
• September 18, 2022
o “Opposition to Federal or State Recognition of the groups claiming to be a tribal nations that seek to circumvent the Department of Interior’s Office of Federal Acknowledgement Process”
Inter-Tribal Council of Northeastern Oklahoma
• August 17, 2022
o Opposition to federal or state recognition of the “Lumbee Tribe,” “Mowa Band of Choctaw,” or any other group claiming to be a tribal nation that seeks to circumvent of the Department of the Interior’s Office of Federal Acknowledgement (OFA) Process
COLT: Coalition of Large Tribes
• August 16, 2022
o "Now therefore be it resolved, that the Coalition of Large Tribes (COLT) calls on Congressional Delegations to oppose the "Lumbee Recognition Act" (S.1364/H.R. 2758), the "MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians Recognition Act" (S.3443), and other federal and state actions that would circumvent the Department of Interior's Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) process."
The Inter-Tribal Council of the Five Civilized Tribes
• July 15, 2022
o A Resolution opposing Federal or State Recognition of Groups to be Tribal Nations by Circumventing the Office of Federal Acknowledgment
Tri- Council of The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians The Eastern Band of Cherokees Indians and Cherokee Nations
• June 23, 2022
o A resolution opposing federal or state recognition of groups that claim to be tribal nations and seek to avoid or circumvent the Department of Interior’s Office of Federal Acknowledgement Process
Letter on behalf of Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Shawnee Tribe, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Fort Still Apache Tribe, Delaware Nation, Chickasaw Nation, Delaware Tribe of Indians, Fort Belknap Indian Community, Wichita and Affiliated Tribes, and United Indian Nations of Oklahoma Kansas, and Texas
• March 10, 2022
o “On behalf of the Tribal Nations and Organizations listed below, we respectfully request you defer consideration of groups seeking federal acknowledgment to the Department of the Interior’s Office of Federal Acknowledgement (OFA).”
Letter from Muscogee Creek Nation
• March 7, 2022
o “On behalf of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, I respectfully request that you defer consideration of groups seeking federal acknowledgment to the Department of the Interior’s Office of Federal Acknowledgement.”
Letter from Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
• November 13, 2020
o Opposition to the “Lumbee Recognition Act”

Defend Native Cultures
Groups with no Native history are calling themselves Tribes and appropriating the culture, language, and history of Tribes with treaty and trust relationships with the United States. It is time that we stand together to Defend Native Cultures!